Nevadans for the Common Good Celebrates 2nd Anniversary
More than 1,500 leaders from across Nevada convened at the packed Cashman Theatre in Las Vegas to celebrate the passage of anti-sex trafficking legislation last year to and issue challenges to a broad range of public officials around multiple issues. The organization obtained solid commitments from public officials after sharing stories about elder abuse in unlicensed group homes, public transportation problems for wounded veterans and disabled, and the need for immigration reform and respite care for caregivers. The organization has grown over the last two years to include 33 member institutions. [Photo Credit: L.E. Baskow, Las Vegas Sun)
Building Off Legislative Success, Interfaith Group Eyes New Set of Social Concerns, Las Vegas Sun
Photo Gallery 1, Las Vegas Sun
Photo Gallery 2, Democratic Faith
NCG Big Players in Congressional Hearing on Deportations
Testimony from 'Nevadans for the Common Good' detailed how the failure to address a broken system is tearing apart families, harming children and weakening communities in Southern Nevada, thus highlighting how policy implementation at the local level is ultimately dehumanizing people.
Horsford Calls for Executive Action to Halt Deportations, Las Vegas Sun
Congressmen in North Nevada Hear Personal Stories of Detention, Deportation, Las Vegas Review-Journal